A1 Beginner
Intensive course: A1.1+A1.2 = 4 weeks
I can understand simple sentences related to myself, my family, or specific things nearby.
I can understand individual familiar names and words and very simple sentences e.g., on signs or in catalogs.
Linguistic interaction
I am able to use simple phrases to describe familiar people and I can describe where I live.
I am able to write short messages, e.g. postcards.
I can fill in own information on forms (name, address, nationality, etc.).
Possible Language certificates: Evolanguage, Goethe, telc, ÖSD
Teaching topics: greetings, numbers, celebrations, time, appointment, illness, family, daily routine, free time, clothes, shopping, home, traveling
Grammar: nouns, pronouns, (modal) verbs, imperative, adjectives, articles, case: noun, dative, accusative, tenses: Pres., Perf., Pret. (to be, to have), preposition
A2 - Basic Knowledge
Intensive course: A2.1+A2.2 = 4 weeks
I understand simple sentences and common words when dealing with everyday topics (e.g., people, shopping, work, family). Also short, clear, simple messages and announcements.
I can read short, simple (everyday) texts and filter the important information (e.g. timetable, brochure, menu) and I understand short personal letters.
Linguistic interaction
I can use simple phrases and sentences to describe everyday events e.g., family, people, job.
I can write short notes and messages and I am able to write very simple personal letters.
Possible Language certificates: Evolanguage, Goethe, DSD I, telc, ÖSD, DTZ, KMK, WiDaF
Teaching topics: travel, transport, housing, weather, climate, culture, sports, fitness, nutrition, state, education, profession, restaurant, hotel, post office
Grammar: subordinate clauses, questions, comparative, superlative, past tense, future tense, reflexive pronouns, verbs with prepositions, prepositions, dative, beginning relative clauses
B1 - Advanced Use Of Language
Intensive course: B1.1+B1.2 = 4-5 weeks
I understand the main points on familiar topics and of news on radio or television.
I can understand texts written in very common everyday and professional language and private letters.
Linguistic Interaction
I can briefly explain and justify own opinions and I am able to tell stories or reproduce the plots of books/movies and describe own reaction to them.
I can write simple connected texts on familiar topics and describe experiences and impressions in personal letters.
Possible Language certificates: Evolanguage, Goethe, DSD I, telc, DTZ, ÖSD, KMK, WiDaF
Teaching topics: friendship, celebrations, invitation, application, society, politics, education, health, environment, training, history
Grammar: subjunctive, passive, participles, genitive, past perfect, preterite, future tense, relative clauses, adjectives, relative pronouns, subordinate clauses, prepositions.
B2 - Independent Use Of Language
Intensive course: B2.1+B2.2 = 4-5 weeks
I understand longer speeches and lectures and follow complex argumentation if the topic is reasonably familiar.
I understand most news, reports and feature films in standard language.
I can understand contemporary literature, articles and reports on current issues in which the author presents his or her own point of view.
Linguistic interaction
I am able to present topics from my own field of interest clearly and in detail.
I can explain my own point of view and show advantages and disadvantages.
I can write clear and detailed texts on topics related to own field of interest.
I can reproduce information and contrast arguments in reports and essays.
Possible Language certificates: Evolanguage, Goethe, TestDaF, DSD II, DSH 1, telc, ÖSD, WiDaF
Teaching topics: confident in everyday life and work - The focus is on training for a linguistically confident use of the German language.
Grammar: consolidation of previous content for confident application in different linguistic contexts.
C1 - Professional Language Skills
Intensive course: C1.1+C1.2 = 4-5 weeks
I can follow longer speeches that are not clearly structured and I understand television programs and films without too much effort.
I can understand long complex non-fiction and literary texts and notice differences in style.
Also longer technical instructions from other subject areas.
Linguistic interaction
I am able to present complex issues in detail and emphasize certain aspects in particular.
I am able to conclude own contributions appropriately.
I am able to write about complex issues and emphasize the main points whilst using the appropriate style when writing and I can use a well structure.
Possible Language certificates: Evolanguage, Goethe, TestDaF, DSD II, DSH 2, telc, ÖSD, PWD, WiDaF
Teaching topics: confident in everyday life and work - The focus is on training for a linguistically confident use of the German language.
Grammar: consolidation of previous content for confident application in different linguistic contexts.
C2 - Approximately Native Language Skills
Intensive course: C2.1+C2.2 = 4-5 weeks
I can understand spoken language without difficulty.
I do not need some time to get used to a particular accent.
I can understand any type of text without difficulty, even if the content is abstract and complex.
Linguistic interaction
I am able to adapt the style of speech to the situation.
I can facilitate the understanding of the audience through logical structure.
Is able to write demanding, complex texts that facilitate the reader's comprehension through good structure fluently and stylistically appropriately
Possible Language certificates: Evolanguage, Goethe, DSH 3, telc, GDS, ZOP, KDS, ÖSD, WiDaF, PWD
Teaching topics: confident in everyday life and work - The focus is on training for a linguistically confident use of the German language.
Grammar: consolidation of previous content for confident application in different linguistic contexts.